Uber has been in a downward spiral and has lost my trust. The extended location tracking in the recent versions is unacceptable— and now they want access to your calendar, too. Forget it. Worst of all, they have *removed* the option to use iOSs native privacy controls to allow location tracking only while using the app. Im switching to Lyft, at least until that feature is restored. Also, Im no longer able to rate drivers, since after turning off location tracking theres a nag screen every time one opens or returns to the app, and that nag screen blocks the page where typically one would rate the driver right after a trip (dismissing the nag screen also dismissed the rating screen, which is a major design flaw). Uber has officially gone from hit-and-miss to terrible. And, on top of that, now Uber wants access to your contacts as well as your location. Pass.
liber8 about Uber, v3.236.3