Poor service.
Poor user interface.
Poor ethics.
Problematic location tracking!! And drains the battery.
Criminal behavior. Apple - remove from "essentials".
Not a consumer friendly company.
Will my location data get hacked when Uber gets hacked?
Why do you need my location when not using the app???
PRIVACY CONCERN!! And app quality getting worse not better. Go with the other guys.
Apple- this app should be removed from "essentials" as nobody needs a battery draining 24/7 location tracker to hail a ride sharing service. This is not essential to anyone...
Uber, the update you tried to sneak past us right before thanksgiving changes the location services to being able to track me even when not using the app. That is unacceptable. Just deleted the app and will NOT be using Uber anymore. #badpolicy #shameful Really a step backwards for Uber.
Tony_AZ about Uber, v3.236.3