Since whoever designed this app decided not to include any option for feedback on problems with the software, rather than just blaming the driver for taking a poor route, I am leaving this one star review in public, in the App Store.
The GPS is terrible. The ability to predict how long it will be till you get picked up is terrible. The estimates are highly unrealistic. And it changes the route and estimated time drastically in the space of minutes.
Ubers in-app GPS in Boston is abysmal. For the third time, it has taken a simple, 1/2 mile trip and turned it into a 30 minute odyssey involving highways in rush hour traffic, unnecessary detours across city lines, and no way to alert the company of their screw-up without somehow blaming the driver. According to the driver, his pay will get dinged if he deviates from their insane directions, so he generally just follows them. Since I dont want him to go unpaid for 30 minutes of work, I am stuck with the bill and a seriously negative impression of Uber as a tech company and as an employer.
Fix this, Uber.
Angry Uber Customer about Uber, v3.239.4