NO, UBER, NO! #DeleteUber
a while ago uber wanted your contact list so they could send your mom and dad "special offers". then they took away your ability to selectively share your location. now they want your calendar.
also: they intentionally and consciously do business with a nation that supports terrorism. uber accepted a $3.5 billion (with a B) investment from sauri arabia. conscience, what social conscience? ditch em. lest their new business partners morals rub off on them and they execute you for being a woman or LGBTQ or otherwise not their "normal".
uber puts out very frequent updates with no info and no actual changes but they also say to check back next week to see what bugs have been fixed. this is nothing more than them trying to age-off critical reviews from newer releases. apple should investigate this ethically-challenged practice. but its right in line with what one would expect from this ethically challenged company.
PoochBowen about
Uber, v3.239.4