Uber is terrible, they delete the bad reviews once a week.
Check your review in about a week, only you will be able to see your review no one else. I find Ubers business practices to be sneaky and despicable. Im not going to recommend this app from Uber. The Uber app pulls the resale value out of your car to Pay YOU. Uber needs to compensate and pay the drives real money, so they can fix and maintain there cars. Uber doesnt pay much to the drivers at all (Uber keeps about 60% of what the rider pay UBER). Once you consider your fuel cost, extremely high cost of ride-share car insurance, car maintenance and the terrible wear and tear on the car itself plus significant lose of value of your car at resale, especially because of the super high miles on your vehicle. The Uber app is a very bad deal for the drive. However the riders are getting a great deal on your dime and time. Sorry for the bad new.
Gorberg about Uber, v3.242.4