For existing accounts where a user lost access to email which can happen hen internet acounts get black listed ouber needs to accept the phone number of the cell phone thats calling in the email field and then send a verification text and have that user enter theverification code then check to see if the device is in the account location before alowing a new email address and password to be set up for the account. Ouber might warn the user they must be in their home location before starting any of this process and if the user responds that they are in the original home location from which they got their first ouber ride then ouber should compare current location against oriinal location and if the two differ send out a stolen device report to Apple and local policee with current device location. If the locations match, and the text verification is successful then get an email address and password from the user and then update their account with those two fields.
Jude-d about Uber, v3.244.2