Advices for the Uber App:
-Uber needs to create a chat where drivers and customers can text before the pickup, since not all the locations are on the uber search bar, and not everyone has minutes to call.
-Uber needs to let their customers share location. For example, if Im a 13 year old kid without an uber account on my phone and my mom needs someone to pick me up. I should have the chance to share my location through "SMS" or through "WhatsApp" so can my mom could open it on uber just in case she doesnt know the exact location.
-Uber should not charge almost 2 dollars for cancelling 5 minutes after requesting, thats not right. If I dont like the uber that is picking me up, because for some reason the car is broken, the guy seems annoyed, the guy is a creeper..etc. Guys you should take that out for good.
-Uber isnt supposed to be like other taxis. Is meant to have a superior quality, in other words, the driver must have qualities that could enrich Ubers image. Uber should make a long quiz for those who want the job, and ask for their ID in case they are banned. If there are at least 3 customers complaining for a specific driver, that driver should be fired. 3 Strikes, you out.
-Uber should correct a bug that makes the driver seem he/she is 15min away, mean while actually he/she is 5min away.
Diegito23 about Uber, v3.244.2