When you search the airport of your city, check the route carefully because possibly the destination is set to the middle of a runway and the route is several miles longer than it should be. As a result, youre paying $4~$6 extra for the distance you wont travel. I reported to Uber several month ago and never heard back.
And, do they think people are used to the "Always on" location tracking? No reason for me to allow them to track my location 5 minutes after drop off, and no reason to trust them only doing what the claimed to do.
And, people like me still havent forgotten that Uber requested hundreds of Lyft cars then cancelled them and did so again and again. What a mean company.
Not that Im still using this app. In fact, I have not used it ever since I found the overcharging trap. Not to mention the location tracking. Im just keeping this app installed so that I can get back and leave a 1-star review whenever it is updated.
MGhostSoft about Uber, v3.245.3