These are some ridiculous and obviously employees of the competition leaving 1 star reviews. Very unprofessional for the little push over competition is what they see themselves but I consider,clear throat mhmhmhn "Lyft" losers. Uber is the best drivers are the safest and cleanest and the platform is originally from uber and only uber. Im and Ubers elect only driver and would do Ubers but not for 90 cents a minute but should be 1.45 a mile 10 cents short from a uberxl wish is considered better priced and should be less of a reason for drivers to go offline and d surge the underpaid fees: 1.45 will make the Uber drivers to work for it inst ad of walking away. But I stay away for the underpaid is way to less for my msport
EckoNatorM335i about Uber, v3.252.8