As a driver, Im able to view what the rider pays and the breakdown between ubers commission, black car fund (NYC), sales tax, and obviously my payout.
Ubers Payouts in NYC used to be 25% commission and 8.875% black car fund. Lately they have been overcharging the rider and paying the driver as little as 50%.
Ive had trips where the driver payout is $14 but rider is charged $26. Ubers commission alone is $10. For another ride, the total fare was $106, Uber commission was $33. The reason why this happens is Uber grossly miscalculates the route, or outright OVERCHARGES the rider. They do this on X rides to subsidize their pool rides. Honestly it is such a shame, such sleazy tactics. If we use faster routes, Uber ends up keeping the difference, rather than crediting the passenger or paying the driver. According to this, it is in our best interest to take the LONGEST possible route.
Do yourself a favor as a rider and calculate the mileage and time driven. Then look at your overall cost. The rates are listed publicly Im each region. YOU WILL BE SHOCKED AT HOW MUCH MONEY THEYRE TAKING. Its straight manipulative, deceptive and demeaning. This has to change and stop.
On top of that their support downright disgusting; they have a system where as soon as they respond to a question it is selected as RESOLVED. Ive had completed Quests where I have not received my bonus, they listed as resolved and say wait 24-48 hours, after that they say wait till next pay statement, how is this issue resolved if I havent received the funds nor is it reflected in the balance? It should instead say responded, or replied back to.
UNBIASEDLY this is the WORST rideshare company. Everything I have said is OBJECTIVELY true.
HS7 about
Uber, v3.255.2